flunger6.fla - Macromedia Flash MX file
flunger.as - actionscript extracted from flunger.fla

Sample Code:

Prints the uppercase letters each on their own line, infinitely
^   ^   +1      _

Store some string in memory, then print each character in the stack.
Note the rightmost construct, which duplicates, prints, and tests each character.
v             v  <
>"abcdefg"    >:,|

2 randomized 12-way switch statements:
Prints random note names and chord degrees in an infinite loop. Use it to write random songs!
v                                    <<<<<<<<<<<<
      >"C"  v     
    > ?"#C" v          >"5"   v
 >  ?<>"D"  v        > ?"M"   v
      >"#D" v     >  ?<>"m"   v
    > ?"E"  v v  <     >"7"   v
>?<   >"F"  > >:,|   > ?"7jam"v v  <
      >"#F" ^    >?<   >"7m"  > >:,|
    > ?"G"  ^          >"6"   ^    > 84*,  ^
      >"#G" ^        > ?"9"   ^
 >  ?<>"A"  ^     >  ?<>"+"   ^
    > ?"#A" ^          >"96"  ^
      >"B"  ^        > ?"9#7" ^
                       >"6m"  ^

A basic loop, 4 iterations then quit.
4  >: v

Loop through and print all the PRINTABLE characters (> ASCII 34) in the stack
- or more precisely, all the contiguous printable characters on the top of the stack.
12345"abcde" v
v            <
>: 84*2+ v
^       ,_$ @

Print random scale notes and keep the first value on the stack untouched
(it will be less than 32).
      v                  <<<<<<<<<<<<<
  v   ?  v                           
 v? v  v ?v                          
  ^      ^                      ,    
v?vv?vv?vv?v                    *                 
 " "  " " "                     4    
"#"#""#"#"#"                    8    
""""""""""""     v            ,             
>>>>>>>>>>>>     >  : 84*2+  `|            
                              > ^                     

Assorted Befunge source - the definitive collection


The official web site for the Befunge-93 programming language; maintained by Chris Pressey, the creator of Befunge.

Befunge code of one Jeffrey Lee, a very talented insane Befunge nut.
Dufflebunk's funge page
vsync's Funge Stuff
Befunge mailing list - hosted by SourceForge